Monday, October 4, 2010

News Post

I'm sure most people have seen the new line of ads lately spreading propaganda about High Fructose Corn Syrup. They are scary because some people might buy into their lies. I've read The Corn Refiners Association (that's the group that produce HFCS) is trying to change the name of High Fructose Corn Syrup to Corn Sugar. This is just another trick in their arsenal trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the people. With whatever you eat or drink you need to check the labels, HFCS is put in so many things these days and is something you want to avoid. Daniel Moran wrote an article on his blog Junk Food News this week talking about HFCS that I liked, so here it is. Enjoy and check out his blog it rocks.

High Fructose Corn Syrup vs Natural Sugar

October 3rd, 2010
Daniel Moran

Last week I spoke about how diet drinks and aspartame are bad for one’s health. This week I’ll be talking about non-diet drinks and their main ngredient, High Fructose Corn Syrup. Sodas and drinks in general are not the only source of High Fructose Corn Syrup; the ingredient can now be found in virtually any processed food even bread and packaged fruit, which is scary considering all the dangerous effects it’s had on consumers since the 1970’s.

Effects of High Fructose Corn Syrup are many, varied and not very pretty. Two include both obesity and a lack of calories. High Fructose Corn Syrup contains many calories yes, but they lack any sense of nutritional value to your body and act as empty calories. High Fructose Corn Syrup also hinders your metabolism to process food and regulate one’s appetite by affecting the production of insulin and leptin. Another side effect of altered insulin production is the development of diabetes from pancreatic damage. Due to the reduced insulin and leptin in one’s body, sugar gets metabolized straight into fat and cholesterol. This higher cholesterol ”in turn blocks arteries and the flow of blood to and from the heart. This process weakens the heart muscles and the ability for new oxygen to circulate throughout the body. The increase in fat storages also harms heart health.” High Fructose Corn Syrup also messes with one’s immune system and the hormones and enzymes that act to defend against illnesses and disease. On top of this, the body is deprived of minerals when processing sugars which can lead to anemia.

What’s ironic is that most people would choose High Fructose Corn Syrup over actual sugar when it comes to teeth rotting out but in actuality they are quite similar, no matter how refined it may be. When and if you finally decide to work off all the pounds one put on with High Fructose Corn Syrup, you will be met with fatigue due to the higher amounts of endorphins released by the added sugar in one’s body which slow you down. Like any other drug, High Fructose Corn Syrup can be very addicting, causing the body to want it more and more which only become worse when cutting it out completely. If you must choose a soft drink, look for those made with natural sugar. Big label companies such as Pepsi are coming out with more and more sugar alternatives such as Throwback Pepsi and natural sugar Sierra Mist but there are also smaller companies which make their drinks with strictly sugar, just check the label.

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