Friday, November 19, 2010

She Made It Vegan For Me... Breakfast Fruit Pizza.

Every time I go food shopping I keep seeing these new Eggo breakfast pizzas. Of course thier not vegan but that doesn't keep me from staring at them as I walk down the aisle. Well after weeks of watching me eye them my amazing girlfriend made me a delicious vegan version. I know that her recipe tastes a million times better than Eggo could ever do so I had to share it here.



Breakfast Fruit Pizza

one Napoli style vegan pizza crust
1/2 cup vegan strawberry yogurt
4 large strawberries
one banana
1 cup blueberries
1 cup golden raisins
2 kiwis
1/4 cup of granola

First, following the instructions on the crust pre-bake it till done. Then spread the yogurt over the crust. Then cut the fruit into small enough pieces to vary each bite of the pizza. Next arrange the fruit on the cooked crust, using more yogurt for paste if needed. Sprinkle on granola.

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